Option For Pay Fixation In The 7 CPC Pay Matrix Levels To The Railway employees

Option for pay fixation in the 7 CPC Pay Matrix levels to the Railway employees

No. IV/NFIR/7 CPC (Imp)/2016/RB-Part II

Dated: 04/09/2017

The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Option for pay fixation in the 7 CPC Pay Matrix levels to the Railway employees during the period 01/01/2016 to 25/07/2017-reg.

Ref: (i) Railway Ministry’s Notification vide RBE No. 90/2016 dated 29/07/2016.

(ii) Railway Board’s letter No. PC-VII/2016/1/6/2 dated 20/10/2016 — RBE No. 124/2016.

(iii) NFIR’s letter No. IV/NFIR/7th CPC (Imp)/2016/RB-Part I dated 16/01/2017 & 07/08/2017.

(iv) Railway Board’s reply to NFIR vide No. PC-VII/2017/R-U/7 dated 31/03/2017.

Further to the above cited references, Federation has since found that on Zonal Railways, option 2 given by staff had not been accepted on the wrong plea that option opportunity has been allowed to those promoted/got financial upgradation under MACPS/got increment during the period 01/01/2016 and 28/07/2016 (i.e. date of notification). In this connection, Federation cites below the following instances as example:-

(i) Employees promoted between 29/07/2016 to 28/10/2016 and exercised option for fixation of pay in 7th CPC within the stipulated period electing option No. 2.

The pay of the Technicians GP 2800/Level 5 on promotion as Sr. Technicians GP 4200/Level 6 on 27/10/2016 has been fixed in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix as shown vide `A’ below whereas pursuant to option No. 2 exercised by staff, they are entitled for pay fixation on promotion as shown vide ‘B’ below:-

Pay in 6th CPC as on 01/01/2016 GP 2800
Pay Revised &
fixed in 7th CPC
w.e.f. 01/01/2016
Pay in 7th
CPC as on
Pay in 6th CPC
when continued
upto 27/10/2016
Pay in 6th CPC on promotion to GP 4200 as on 27/10/2016
Pay required to
fixed in 7th CPC taking into account option

Unfortunately, the staff have been denied their legitimate pay fixation benefit even after submission of their correct option in time.

(ii) Another aberration is that in the case of Technicians who have been granted cadre restructuring w.e.f. 01/09/2016 vide RBE No. 116/2016, the Zonal Railways have issued promotion orders belatedly while at the same time, option opportunity not allowed, consequently pay fixation has been granted vide ‘A’ below instead granting pay fixation benefit (on the basis of re-option) as ‘B’ below:-

Pay in 6thCPC as on 01/01/2016
Pay Revised &
fixed in 7thCPC
as on 01/01/2016
Pay in 7thCPC as on01/09/2016 in L5
Pay in 6thCPCwhen continuedtill 31/08/2016
Pay in 6thCPC on promotion inGP 4200 as on01/09/2016
Pay    to   be  fixed
with option in 7th CPC in L6

NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to consider the above situations and issue clear clarificatory instructions, granting pay fixation benefit on the basis of re-option being exercised by staff as per charts ‘B’ above.NFIR contends that in as much as promotion allowed w.e.f. 01/09/2016, such staff are entitled for option opportunity in terms of RBE No. 90/2016 and 124/2016.

Yours faithfuly,

(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Option For Pay Fixation In The 7 CPC Pay Matrix Levels To The Railway employees Option For Pay Fixation In The 7 CPC Pay Matrix Levels To The Railway employees Reviewed by CENTRAL GOVT WORKFORCE(EMPLOYEES) NEWS on September 07, 2017 Rating: 5

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