ECHS - Procedure And Registration Of Smart Card

ECHS - Procedure And Registration Of Smart Card


1. To efficiently manage the health needs of approx 25 lakh ESM pensioners and their dependants, the ECHS needs to cater for and track a strength of over 1 crore beneficiaries. This can only be done through an electronic system, for which the Smart Card is being issued.

2. Objectives. The objectives of the Smart Card based system are:-
  • (a) To ensure smooth running and security of the ECHS system so that no unauthorized person avails of medical benefits.
  • (b) Positive and irrefutable identification of members using biometrics, to prevent fraud.
  • (c) Inter operability of the Card at any of the Polyclinics located throughout the country, thereby facilitating members to avail of medical benefits at all times, irrespective of their physical location.
  • (d) Assist ECHS in budget control & statistical analysis.

3. Cost. The cost of each card is Rs. 90/- which will be paid for by the applicant at the time of depositing his form.

4. Smart Card Visual Inspection Zone (VIZ) Details. The following details will be printed on the front of the Smart Card :-

  • (a) Card serial number
  • (b) Service number
  • (c) Rank
  • (d) Name
  • (e) Date of birth
  • (f) Regt/Corps/Unit
  • (g) Date of retirement
  • (h) PPO number and date
  • (j) Name of the branch from where drawing pension
  • (k) Permanent address
  • (l) Photograph of the pensioner
  • (m) Signatures of pensioner & Card issuing authority
5. The following details will appear on the rear of the Smart Card for each dependant:-
  • (a) Photograph of the dependant
  • (b) Date of Birth  – Below the photographs of each
  • (c) Relationship with dependant pensioner. – Below the photographs of each

6. Smart Card Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) Details. The MRZ will contain personal data of the pensioner and upto seven dependants on the primary card. In case of the dependant add-on card, the details of the pensioner and details of dependent, for whom add-on card is made, will be printed. In case of mentally challenged / physically handicapped child, a
separate card in addition to the two permissible add-on cards will be issued and the details contained thereon will be same as that of dependant card.

7. The personal data of the pensioner contained in the primary card will be as follows:-

  • (a) Member ID
  • (b) Card serial number
  • (c) Service number
  • (d) Rank
  • (e) Name
  • (f) Date of birth
  • (g) Regiment/Corps/Unit
  • (h) Date of retirement
  • (j) Medical category
  • (k) Permanent address
  • (l) Telephone number
  • (m) E-mail address
  • (n) Type of pension
  • (o) Pension Payment Order Number
  • (p) Name & address of bankers
  • (q) Record office
  • (r) Fingerprint of the pensioner
  • (s) Photograph of the Pensioner
8. The following details of the dependant will be on the MRZ of the primary card :-

(a) Spouse.

  • (i) Member ID
  • (ii) Name
  • (iii) Date of birth
  • (iv) Date of marriage
  • (v) Add on card issued? (Y/N)
  • (vi) Mentioned in Discharge Book? (Y/N)
  • (vii) Fingerprint

(b) Child (Upto four Children).

  • (i) Member ID
  • (ii) Name
  • (iii) Date of birth
  • (iv) Relationship (Son/Daughter)
  • (iv) Marital status
  • (v) Employed (Y/N)
  • (vi) Add on card issued? (Y/N)
  • (vii) Mentioned in Discharge Book? (Y/N)
  • (viii) Fingerprint
(c) Father.

  • (i) Member ID
  • (ii) Name
  • (iii) Date of birth
  • (iv) Monthly income
  • (v) Add on card issued? (Y/N)
  • (vi) Mentioned in Discharge Book? (Y/N)
  • (vii) Fingerprint
(d) Mother.

  • (i) Member ID
  • (ii) Name
  • (iii) Date of birth
  • (iv) Monthly income
  • (v) Add on card issued ? (Y/N)
  • (vi) Mentioned in Discharge Book ? (Y/N)
  • (vii) Fingerprint
(e) Day to Day Medical Transaction Details. At any point of time, last 50 transactions of the ECHS member will be available on the Smart Card. When the number of transactions increases beyond 50, the oldest transaction will be erased to make room for the new transaction.

(f) Medical Data for Each Beneficiary. The following medical data will be maintained for each beneficiary in the Smart Card so that in the event of emergency or otherwise, the data is available to the Polyclinic doctors:-

  • (i) Chronic disease history
  • (ii) History of major surgery
  • (iii) Blood group
  • (iv) Known drug allergy details
(g) Medical Referral Details. The beneficiaries’ data, whenever referred to a diagnostic centre / referral hospital / consultant specialist, will be captured in the database as well as on the Smart Card. These records will have the following information:-

  • (i) Name of the doctor who referred the patient.
  • (ii) Name of the referral hospital /diagnostic centre/specialist.
  • (iii) Description of tests to be done / opinion sought.
  • (iv) Date on which referral is made.
  • (v) Date on which the patient is attended.
  • (vi) Date on which the reports/bills are received back from referral hospital.
  • (vi) Amount claimed by the referral facility for services.
  • (vii) Date on which bill is forwarded to Station Headquarters for payment.
9. Procedure for Initial Issue.

  • (a) Applicants are to report in person to Station HQs when informed for collection of ECHS membership Smart Card. The receipt provided to the pensioner by the Station Headquarters at the time of accepting the application form, must be brought along for collection of Smart Card. Personal reporting is mandatory in order to prevent Smart Card(s) being handed over to a wrong person. Also, pensioner will be required to sign in the Master Ledger at Station HQs as proof of having received his/her Card(s).
  • (b) Smart Card(s) will be ready for delivery to the member on 30th day of depositing the membership form. No intimation will be given for readiness of the Smart Card for collection.

10. Card must be kept carefully, as no medical treatment will be possible at any polyclinic /referral facility ECHS without the membership card.

11. First Time Registration & Activation of Smart Card. It is mandatory for members and dependants to report jointly or singly to the nearest Polyclinic indicated in their application form along with Smart Card for recording of fingerprint biometric data of the pensioner and each member of his/her family. This activity will be automatically undertaken at the concerned ECHS Polyclinic when the ECHS member or his/her dependent(s) go for treatment during their first visit after receipt of Smart Card.

12. ECHS Smart Card will not be usable at any ECHS Polyclinics unless activated.

13. Use of Polyclinic Facilities. When visiting a Polyclinic subsequently, it is mandatory for the pensioner or his/her dependant to carry the ECHS Smart Card as proof of eligibility. The Polyclinic may not accept the individual for treatment in its absence. Following sequence of action will take place at the Polyclinic :-

(a) The operator will start the PC and log in to the system.

(b) Member comes to the Polyclinic Reception and hands over his Smart Card.

(c) If the beneficiary has come to the Polyclinic for the first time, his/her fingerprint is captured and written into the Smart Card.

(d) On all subsequent visits, fingerprint reader authenticates him/ her.

(e) Once authenticated, all personal information is read from the Smart Card along with his/ her photograph, compared with the Polyclinic database, and is displayed on the monitor of the receptionist.

(f) The receptionist allots the doctor, puts the waiting list number and prints the medical examination slip.

(g) The patient meets the Polyclinic doctor with the medical examination slip and the doctor records the diagnostics and medicines.

(h) The patient comes back to the receptionist and the relevant details are respectively captured into the MIS and Smart Card.

(j) In case the patient is referred to a diagnostic centre for tests or referred to a empanelled hospital or to a specialist, a referral slip is generated by the receptionist and the relevant information is entered in the Smart Card. The record is flagged for future update of financial input.

(k) The patient goes to the Polyclinic pharmacy store for collection of medicines and in the event of any referrals, visits the referral faculty for treatment.

14. Action on Loss of Smart Card. As per existing procedure, an FIR is to be lodged in case of loss and intimated to Regional Centre ECHS from where the Card was issued. Consequent to reporting, a fresh Smart Card will be issued within 60 days. The issue of duplicate Smart Card would be on payment of Rs. 90/- for each Card. Safety of Smart Card(s) is paramount as the ECHS member/dependant will be unable to use ECHS benefits till receipt of new Card. On loss of a third Smart Card, account of which will be kept by the system, the pensioner will cease to be a member of the Scheme.

15. Interim Arrangements in Lieu of Smart Card. Till such time issue of Smart cards commences, any pensioner who has paid his contribution shall be permitted to use the Receipt provided to him by the Station Headquarters or Regional Centre, as the authority for availing treatment under the ECHS for himself/herself and for his/her authorized dependants. Orders to this effect have been passed to all service hospitals, and similar instructions will be passed to empanelled hospitals. However, along with the receipt, the member shall be required to carry/produce some authentic document/identification of his/her own or dependant’s identity. This is only a temporary measure, and will be cancelled as soon as Smart Card issue commences.

Source: ECHS Handbook released by Air Force Hqrs, New Delhi
ECHS - Procedure And Registration Of Smart Card ECHS - Procedure And Registration Of Smart Card Reviewed by CENTRAL GOVT WORKFORCE(EMPLOYEES) NEWS on October 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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