7th CPC Night Duty Allowance Of The Report Of The Committee

Recommendations of the Committee : Night Duty Allowance (NDA) 

Night Duty Allowance (NDA) (Para 8.17.71-77)

Existing Provisions: It is granted to certain specified categories of employees for performance of duty between 22:00 hrs and 06:00 hrs. At present, the allowance is administered as per DoPT‟s OM No.12012/4/86-Estt.  (Allowances) of 04.10.1989, wherein every 6 hours of night work earns 1 weighted hour of day work, or each hour of night work  earns extra 10 minutes of day work. The ceiling of pay for entitlement of Night Duty Allowance is ₹2200 per month.

Recommendations of 7th CPC: The 7th CPC has recommended as under:

(i) The present formulation of weightage of 10 minutes for every hour of duty performed between the hours of 22:00 and 06:00 may be continued;

(ii) The present prescribed hourly rate of NDA equal to (BP+DA)/200 may be continued;

(iii) This amount of NDA should, however, be worked out separately for each employee. With the computerization of pay rolls, working out the amount of NDA automatically for each employee every month will not entail any difficulty. The existing formulation for giving same rate of NDA for all employees with a particular GP should be abolished.

(iv) This formulation will extend to all employees across all Ministries/ Departments who were already in receipt of Night Duty Allowance.

A certificate should be given by the supervisor concerned that Night Duty is essential.


I. M/o Health & FW: It should be given to nursing cadre at par with other Central Government employees.

II. National Council (Staff Side), JCM: The recommendation of the 7th CPC “this formulation will extend to all employees across all the Ministries / Departments who are already in receipt of Night Duty Allowance” needs to be altered to mean that the revised Night Duty Allowance recommended by the Commission must be paid to all personnel who are deployed for night duty supported by the certificate provided by his immediate superior officer.

III. Department of Atomic Energy: This allowance may be extended to all employees who are performing night duty and be increased by a factor of 2.25

Analysis and Recommendations of the Committee:
DoPT is the nodal Department for this allowance. In its comments, DoPT has informed that the Board of Arbitration in C.A. Ref No. 6 of 1995 had awarded that the ceiling of ₹2200/- per month may be removed. However, the Government has decided not to accept the Award and to move a Resolution in the Parliament to reject the Award. Also, the demand to include more categories in the ambit of this allowance is not within the remit of this Committee. The recommendations of the 7th CPC on Night Duty Allowance may be accepted without any change.

Source: http://www.doe.gov.in
7th CPC Night Duty Allowance Of The Report Of The Committee 7th CPC Night Duty Allowance Of The Report Of The Committee Reviewed by CENTRAL GOVT WORKFORCE(EMPLOYEES) NEWS on November 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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