7th Pay Commission Special Scientists Pay

Special Scientists Pay: Report of the Committee Allowances 

Special Scientists‟ Pay (Para 8.17.126)

Existing Provisions: Special Scientists‟ Pay, at the rate of ₹4,000 per month, is granted to Scientists/Engineers (Category – H) with GP of ₹10,000.

Reasons mentioned by 7th CPC for recommending abolition: The 7th CPC has mentioned that Special Pay of ₹4000 pm was granted by V CPC to Scientists / Engineers (Category – H) with GP ₹10000 as it was felt at that time that the pay scale accorded to them were not commensurate with their status. As Pay scales have been revised upwards for all categories since 5th CPC, the 7th CPC has recommended for abolition of this allowance.


I. Chairman, Space Commission: This allowance should continue and may be reckoned for pension and pensionary benefits for all those who retire on or after 04.08.2010

II. Department of Atomic Energy: Based on the recommendations of Ministry of Finance, Joint Working Group (JWG) consisting of representatives of Department of Space, Department of Atomic Energy and DRDO has been constituted and a new scheme is being worked out. It was also informed that the issue is also pending before the Hon‟ble Supreme Court for counting this Special Pay for pension and pensionary benefits. Therefore, it has been requested to retain this allowance.

Analysis and Recommendations of the Committee:
The Committee is of the view that pay scales have indeed gone up significantly in the 7th CPC regime in comparison to the 5th CPC levels. Therefore, the Committee recommends that the 7th CPC recommendation to abolish Special Scientists‟ Pay may be accepted.

7th Pay Commission Special Scientists Pay 7th Pay Commission Special Scientists Pay Reviewed by CENTRAL GOVT WORKFORCE(EMPLOYEES) NEWS on November 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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