7th CPC - Night Patrolling Allowance In Report Of The Committee Allowances

7th CPC - Night Patrolling Allowance In Report Of The Committee Allowances

Night Patrolling Allowance (Para 8.10.34, 8.10.80)

Existing Provisions: It is granted to Trackmen of Indian Railways to compensate for hardship faced in night patrolling. The present rate is ₹10 per night of patrolling.

Reasons mentioned by 7th CPC for recommending abolition: The allowance has meagre rates. With the proposed rise in pay, this allowance is no longer required.


National Council (Staff Side), JCM: This allowance should continue as Trackmen in Railways, engaged for night patrolling of tracks through torrential rain, jungles, bridges etc., are granted this allowance and many deaths have been reported.

Analysis and Recommendations of the Committee: The Committee is of the view that the 7th CPC has already recommended that Track Maintainers – I, II, III & IV of Indian Railways be granted Risk & Hardship based allowance as per cell R3H2 of R&H Matrix @ ₹3400 for level 9 & above and @ ₹2700 for level 8 & below. Therefore, the Committee recommends that the 7th CPC recommendation to abolish
Night Patrolling Allowance may be accepted.

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7th CPC - Night Patrolling Allowance In Report Of The Committee Allowances 7th CPC - Night Patrolling Allowance In Report Of The Committee Allowances Reviewed by CENTRAL GOVT WORKFORCE(EMPLOYEES) NEWS on October 31, 2017 Rating: 5

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