Issue Of Dependent Identity Cards For Ex-Servicemen

Issue Of Dependent Identity Cards For Ex-Servicemen

Tele: 26188098, Fax: 26192362
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Kendriya Sainik Board
Ministry Of Defence
Government Of India
West Block-IV, Wing-VII
RK Puram
New Delhi – 110066

No.061/Policy/Gen Pol/vol-I

14 July 2017




1. A number of representations are being received from ESM for issue of dependent Identity Cards. The main reason for these representations being that dependents of ESM are unable to utilize various facilities/benefits extended to them by organizations due to non availability of Identity cards. The case in point is air travel by organizations due to non availability of Identity Cards. The case in point is air travel concession offered by the airlines to dependents of ESM, however, many dependents of ESM are not able to make use of the concession offered due to want of Dependents ID card which is a mandatory requirement instituted by the airlines offering the concession .

2. During third south Zone Meeting held at Hyderabad this issue was deliberated upon in detail in light of various representations and recommendations of Directors of all Rajya Sainik Boards on the need of issuing dependent I Cards, It was decided by the Chairman that dependent I cards be issued and policy in this regard be formulated to ensure that these are not misused.

3. It is to be understood by all ESM and their dependents that Dependent Identity Card is not an acceptable pass/ permit for entry into any Defence unit and local orders of the Formation/ Area HQs will take precedence over any such order on the issue of gaining access into any defence area.

Eligibility for Dependent Identity Cards

4. It is to be clearly understand that the definition of dependents which is in vogue while being in service will continue to govern the criteria to establish the eligibility of dependents will lie on the Zila Sainik Board where the ESM is registered based on the entry in their discharge book Following will be eligible for issue of Dependent 1-card:-

(a) Spouse and dependent children of ESM Pensioners.

(b)War Windows/Dependents parents of serving personnel who died in war. windows of ESM and their dependent Children including step and legally adopted children.

(c) Dependents Parents whose monthly income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 3500/- plus the amount of dearness relief on basic pension of Rs. 3500/- as on the date of consideration. (GOI MOD letter F No.18840/DGAFMS/DG-3A/1398/D (Med) 09 dated 26 Jun 2009).

(d) Children including step children, legally adopted children. The validity period for sons will be attaining age of 25 Years or on ceasing to be dependents, whichever is earlier, unemployment unmarried/divorced/windowed daughters will continue to be eligible irrespective of age.

Procedure for Issue of Dependents Identity Card

5. The following guilelessness are to be adhered to by the Dept of Sainik welfare/ Zila Sainik Welfare while issuing the Dependents Identity Cards:-

(a) Identity cards to be issued to all dependents of ESM as brought out at para 3 above. The format of I card is placed at Appendix ‘A’

(b) The card is to be issued on payment of Rs.100/- per card. The money is to be taken on charge and accounted for, the Amount realized towards making of Dependent Card should be forwarded to Kendriya Sainik Board in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “ARMED FORCES FLAG DAY FUND”.

(c) Separate application for issue of Identify cards is to be submitted by ESM for each dependent, The format is placed at Appendix ‘B’.

(d) The dependent card is to be linked to ESM I card to ensure only eligible dependents are issued with the dependent card.

(f) The following documents are to be produced by an ESM for issue of dependent card:-

(i) Application with photograph pasted, for issue of dependent card.
(ii) Registration form
(iii) Copy of Discharge book.
(iv) Copy of PPO
(v) NOC from previous ZSB, if applicable.
(vi) Copy of Birth Certificate.
(vii) Copy of Aadhar card.

(g) Before issue of I Cards to the dependents of ESM, the Sancity of the document , its safe custody by the card holder and the repercussions as a result of its loss and reaching in the hands of anti-national elements should be explained to him/her.

(h) The ESM and applicant be explained that it is their responsibility to ensure that the dependent card is not misused.

Validity of Dependent Identity Card

6. (a) The Identify Card for War/Pensioners windows will be valid for life time till she gets married.

(b) In case of spouse of ESM it will also be valid for life time unless there is changed of status (if divorced etc)
(c) The Identify Card to the children of ESM will be issued initially for a period of five years and will be renewed thereafter for another five years subject to the following:-

(i) Sons – Attaining the age of 25 years or on ceasing to be dependent whichever is earlier.

(ii) Daughters- Till married.

Issue of Duplicate Dependent Identity Card

7. The under mentioned procedure is to be followed for issuance of duplicate Dependent Card:

(a) FIR is to be lodged in an event of loss of dependent card by ESM/dependent. After one month from the date of FIR, an endorsement of Police Station needs to be obtained on the status of the complaint.

(b) The ESM/dependent should approach ZSWO along with the copy of FIR and application containing the facts leading to the loss of card. Further , on application for issue of duplicate I card is to be submitted, Thereafter , the ZSWO will carry out one man investigation on the spot to ascertain that there is no mala-fide intent and insurgency angle is not involved. the comments of ZSWO are to be endorsed on the application and then only duplicate card is to be issued.

(c) No duplicate card is to be issued after the third loss. The following penalty is to be levied for first three losses:-

(i) First loss – Rs 300/-
(ii) Second Loss – Rs 600/-
(iii) Third Loss – Rs 900/-

(d) An undertaking is to be obtained from the ESM/Window that the duplicate identity card will be surrendered immediately to the issuing authority in case the lost Dependent card is found subsequently.

(e) A notation of loss is to be made in Discharge book and other relevant register in Red ink indicating the number of loss (Ist/iind/iiird).

(f) Following documents are to be kept at ZSB for record:-

(i) Copy of FIR registered with the police station.
(ii) Police endorsement on the copy of FIR after one month whether Depended card could be tracked or not.
(iii) Application from the Individual for issue of duplicate card along with photographs.

Replacement of Dependent Identity Card due to Fair, wear and Tear

8. Consequent upon mutilation of Dependent Identity Card because of fair wear and tear, Laminated fresh Dependent identity Card will be issued on request of Ex-Servicemen enclosing there with mutilated Dependent identity Card after ascertaining the facts and genuineness of the case and completion of the period of five years from the date of issue of the Dependent identity Card. Fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) is to be charged for issued of new card.

Dependent identity cards are to be returned to the issuing authority for cancellation on following occasions:-

a. whilst applying for renewal due fair/wear and tear
b. on demise of the holder
c. on becoming ineligible i.e widow/daughters getting married and sons crossing the age of 25 years or the day ceases to be dependent whichever is earlier

9. Serial number for each category is to be maintained separately under following head with separate registers:-

a. Dependent identity Card – initial/replacement issue register
b. Dependent identity card issued due to loss – Register.

Demand/submission of Return

10. Directors, Deptt. of sainik welfare or secretaries, Rajya Sainik Boards to forward half Yearly damand/ report to Kendriya Seinik Board (Jt Director, Accounts) Commencing from half year ending 31 Mar and 30 Sep as per format placed at Appendix ‘C’.

11. Amount charged as fee for making dependent I card and realized towards penalty for loss of Dependent Identify Card should be forwarded to Kendrya Sanik Board in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘ARMED FORCES FLAG DAY FUND’ along with this return.

12. These instructions should be circulated to at ZSWOs under your organization and should form the part of important policy letters which need to be handed over to the new incumbent ant the time of tranferment linquishment of the charge.

13. Please acknowledge receipt.
Issue Of Dependent Identity Cards For Ex-Servicemen Issue Of Dependent Identity Cards For Ex-Servicemen Reviewed by CENTRAL GOVT WORKFORCE(EMPLOYEES) NEWS on July 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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